
The People in Your Neighborhood

“Who are the people in your neighborhood?” As a child of the 80’s I watched a lot of Sesame Street. An often-repeated song invited children to look around their neighborhoods and observe who was there. To get to know the people around them. 

I am still getting to know the people in my neighborhood, those who are part of South Gate UMC, and the surrounding areas. South Gate appears to be a church deeply involved in, and committed to the wellbeing of its neighbors. I am excited to join alongside that mission and commitment.

I hope you are planning to be a part of the Neighborhood Block Party, organized by the Prescott Area Neighborhood Association, and held in our church parking lot. It’s a great opportunity to demonstrate the hospitality of Christ’s Church by welcoming people to our space. 

Be sure to invite folks back to our space on Sunday morning, August 11, as we bless backpacks and other work tools used by students of all ages, teachers, and school staff who are going back to school on August 12. If you are one of those heading back to school, please know that we are praying for you, not just on August 11, but throughout the whole school year. 


Pastor Amy

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